What Would Most Likely Happen if Londoners Started Putting Household Waste in the Thames Again?

 ZNO English language Practise Test 6

Job 1

You are going to read an extract from a novel.
For questions 1-viii, choose the reply А-D which you think fits all-time according to the text.

Miss Rita Cohen, a tiny, pale-skinned girl who looked half the age of Seymour's daughter, Marie, but claimed to be some six years older, came to his factor)' one 24-hour interval. She was dressed in overalls and ugly-big :hoes, and a bush of wiry hair framed her pretty face. She was so tiny, then immature that he could barely believe that she was at the University of Pennsylvania, doing research into the leather manufacture in New Jersey for her Master's degree.

Three or four times a year someone either phoned Seymour or wrote to him to ask permission to sec his factory, and occasionally he would help a student by answering questions over the telephone or. if the student struck him equally particularly serious, past offering з brief bout.

Rita Cohen was nigh every bit small, he thought, as the children from Mane'south tertiary-twelvemonth class, who'd been brought the 50 kilometres from their rural schoolhouse i twenty-four hour period, all those years ago, then that Marie's daddy could show them how he made gloves, evidence them particularly Marie's favourite spot, the laying-off table. where, at the end of the procedure, the men shaped and pressed each and every glove past pulling it carefully down over steam-heated brass hands. The hands were dangerously hot and they were shiny and they stuck straight upwardly from the table in a row. thin-looking, like hands that had been flattened. As a little girl, Marie was captivated past their strangeness and called them the 'pancake easily'.

He heard Rita asking, 'How many pieces come in a shipment?' 'How many? Between 20 and twenty-five thousand.' She continued taking notes as she asked, 'They come straight to your shipping department?'

He liked finding that she was interested in every last detail. 'They come up to the tannery. The tannery is a contractor. We buy the material and they make it into the correct kind of leather for us to work with. My granddaddy and father worked in the Unnery correct here in boondocks. Then did I, for half dozen months, when I started working in the business organisation. Ever been inside a tannery?' 'Non yet.' "Well, y'all've got to become to a tannery if you're going to write near leather. I'll set that up for yous if y'all'd like. They're primitive places. The technology has improved things, just what you'll see isn't that unlike from what yous'd have seen hundreds ot years agone. Atrocious work. Information technology'due south said to be the oldest industry of which remains take been found anywhere. 6-g-year-old relics of tanning found somewhere — Turkey, I believe. The commencement clothing was just skins that were tanned by smoking them. I told you it was an interesting subject once yous get into it. My male parent is the leather scholar; he'south the otic you should exist talking to. Beginning my father off about gloves and he'll talk for two days. That'south typical, past the way: glovemen beloved the trade and everything about information technology. Tell гас, have you ever seen anything being manufactured, Miss Cohen?' 'I can't say I accept." 'Never seen anything made?' 'Saw my mother nuke a cake when I was a kid.'

He laughed. She had fabricated him laugh. An innocent with spirit, eager to learn. His daughter was easily 30cm taller than Rita Cohen, fair where she was dark, but otherwise Rita Cohen had begun to remind him of Marie. The skilful-natured intelligence that would just waft out of her and into the house when she came abode from school, full of what she'd learned in class. How she remembered everything. Everything neatly taken downward in her notebook and memorised overnight.

'I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're going to bring you lot right through the whole process. Come on. Nosotros're going to make you lot a pair of gloves and yous're going to watch them being made from start to finish. What size do yous wearable?'

1 What was Seymour's outset impression of Rita Cohen?

A She reminded him of his daughter.
B She was rather unattractive.
C She did not look like a research student.
D She hadn't given much thought to her appearance.

2 Seymour would show students round his factory if

A he idea they were genuinely interested.
B they telephoned for permission.
C they wrote him an interesting letter of the alphabet.
D their questions were hard to respond past telephone.

3 What did Seymour'due south daughter similar most nearly visiting the manufactory?

A watching her male parent make gloves
B helping to shape the gloves
C making gloves for her schoolfriends
D seeing the brass hands

4 The word 'shiny' in paragraph 3 describes

A the await of the hands.
B the size of the hands.
C the experience of the hands.
D the temperature of the hands.

five What does 'that' in paragraph v refer to?

A the tanner,' business
B a visit to a tannery
C writing about leather
D working with leather

6 Seymour says that well-nigh tanneries today

A have been running for over a hundred years.
B are located in very old buildings.
C are dependent on older workers.
D nonetheless use traditional methods.

7 What does Seymour admire nigh his male parent?

A his educational background
B his knowledge of history
C his enthusiasm for the business
D his skill equally a glovemaker

viii When she was a schoolgirl, Marie

A made her parents express mirth.
B was intelligent but lazy.
C easily forgot what she had learned.
D was hard-working and not bad.

# A B C D

Task 2

You lot are going to read a newspaper article nearly homo beings getting taller.
Seven sentences accept been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A-H the i which fits each gap (9-15).
There is i actress judgement which you lot do not need to use.

YOUR Answer
# A B C D E F Chiliad H

Chore iii

You are going to read an article about guidebooks to London
For questions 16-thirty, cull from the guidebooks A-F.
The guidebooks may exist chosen more than once.
When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order.

Chore 3
# A B C D Due east F Thou H


For questions 31-42, read the text below and make up one's mind which answer А-D best fits each gap.

Under the city streets

While skyscraper offices and elegant apartment blocks remain the public face up of near major cities, these cities besides take a mass of secret tunnels and hidden pipes below ground which keep everything working. This other world exists, forgotten or neglected by all simply a tiny (31)_____ of engineers and historians.

For case, there are more than 150 kilometres of rivers under the streets of London. Virtually accept been (32)_____ over and, sadly, all that (33)_____ is their names. Perhaps the greatest (34)_____ to the city is the River Fleet, a (35)_____ great river which previously had beautiful houses on its (36)_____ . Information technology now goes hole-and-corner in the due north of the city and ((37)_____ into the River Thames by Blackfriars Span.

The London Underground (38)_____ i,000 kilometres of undercover railway track winding under the capital and more than 100 stations beneath street level. Along some cloak-and-dagger railway lines, commuters tin sometimes catch a (39)_____ glimpse of the platforms of more than 40 closed stations which accept been left nether the city. (twoscore)_____ some are used as motion picture sets, virtually (41)_____ forgotten. Some accept had their entrances on the street turned into restaurants and shops, but most entrances have been (42)_____ down.

31 A number B amount C full D few
32 A covered B protected C hidden D sheltered
33 A stays B stops C remains D keeps
34 A miss B absenteeism C waste D loss
35 A once B past C then D prior
36 A borders B coasts C banks D rims
37 A gets B flows C leaks D lets
38 A holds B contains C has D consists
39 A rapid B brief C fast D precipitous
twoscore A Despite B Unless C Although D Since
41 A lie B last C alive D lay
42 A pulled B broken C brought D cut
YOUR Answer
Chore iv
# A B C D

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Grammar Test
     Articles and nouns

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     Test on the usage of the verb tenses

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Conditionals - If I were yous. If I went... If yous had seen ... I would exist ...
  Prepositions at, on, in      ... at habitation, ... on the bus, ... in the automobile, ...on time, ... in fourth dimension,... at the end, ... in the terminate, ... in the morning, at night

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.. worry about, ... sorry for, ... interested in, ... skilful at, ...famous for, ... engaged to, ... kind of, ... fed up with, ... reason for

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(fiddling, a little, few, a few)

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(somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody)

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(say, tell, speak, talk)

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(either, neither, too,too)

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(beautiful, handsome, pretty, expert-looking, lovely)

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(travel and holiday)

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