Are African Greys Good Family Pets?If you lot have ever seen an African Grey, whether in real life or on the Net, you cannot help simply be entranced by their intelligence, funny mannerisms and endearing only regal appearance. Information technology can hands atomic number 82 a person to wonder about bringing one of these lovely birds into their family's dwelling.

Are African Greys Good Family Pets? Yes, but just if the family is experienced and mature enough to handle an African Grey. They are very intelligent and therefore need a lot of mental stimulation. An African Grey that doesn't get enough of that could develop psychological bug and fifty-fifty starting time to attack family members.

The African Grey is non like a canis familiaris or cat and must be handled with intendance (due east.thou. non for kids to play with) and also requires A LOT of playtime as well as mental stimulation. It is not a pet y'all tin can but prefer with no feel. Permit us show you lot in detail what that means!

This Makes African Greys a Good Family unit Pet

  • They are extremely smart (Fifty-fifty smarter than macaws equally we prove you here)
  • They live long lives
  • They love to be played with, trained, and spending time the family unit
  • They are very cute and speak actually clearly
  • They honey learning, and you can teach them how to trip the light fantastic (If you lot are interested in that yous should read our article on dancing parrots here!)

This Makes African Greys Bad Family Pets

  • They may only bond with one person in the family
  • They take a while to 'warm-up' to their new owners
  • They cannot be left solitary for many hours at time (In fact, no parrot should be left lonely. We explain why here.)
  • They live and then long; they may outlive the owners and have nowhere to go after the owner passes on.
  • They destroy things using their beak, like furniture.
  • They are very expensive (Nosotros show you why they are so expensive and what costs you should look when getting an African Gray here!)

Desire to acquire what all this means in item? Let us show y'all what y'all should keep in mind when you make up one's mind to add an African Grayness to your family unit.Are African Greys good for families with children?

1. Your African Grey Has His Own Personality

Your African Grey will have his own personality, but chances are, he volition be playful and loving toward you once yous get to know him. Different some family pets, African Greys have to get to know their owners first earlier they kickoff to feel like a pet.

Dogs and cats, for case, demonstrate loving behavior on the first day of adoption, in almost cases. Also, realize that African Greys may bail with only one person in your family.

Parrots take to larn to trust you:

  • You must start by spending time effectually your African Grey. Read a book, watch a quiet television show, and speak with him gently as if you lot were talking to a friend.
  • Offer him toys, and the occasional care for.
  • Learn "Bird Body Language" so you know when it is time to back off and requite him a interruption.
  • Allow him fourth dimension out of the cage to walk effectually and encounter his new domicile. Have your family calmly acknowledge him, letting him explore at his own pace.
  • Don't forget treats then he begins to associate his time with you lot with positivity.

There are a few things to keep in mind as you lot build trust:

  • Never strength your bird into doing anything he doesn't feel like doing. This leads to bites, and serious injury as African Grey bites are harsh.
  • Practise not yell at your bird, or worse, hit him. Sadly, nosotros have heard of stories of such things happening, and this will absolutely Non assist your relationship.
  • Always be honest with your bird. If you say, "Be correct back," come dorsum soon.

2. African Greys Are Extremely Smart

Chances are in your quest to learn more most African Greys and if they are a good fit for your family, you lot stumbled upon video of members of this species talking.

"Einstein" is one such famous African Grey, his tricks astonish and delight everybody who stumbles upon his videos. African Greys:

  • Get to know their owners
  • Can imitate hundreds of sounds (Which tin can be quite annoying as we explain here)
  • Are thought to have the intelligence of a five-year-old child

Einstein was treated to hours of training from professionals who honed his skills and taught him all he knows. He also likely learned many of those sounds on his own.

You don't accept to spend hours with your African Greyness training, only you practise need to spend hours socializing, playing, and letting your parrot go around your business firm similar a member of the family.

Can your family handle this task daily? Without proper mental stimulation, your parrot may turn to self-destructive behaviors, and will no doubt be stressed out.

This is not like other pets, such as cats or fish, who can be alone for a long while.

1 matter that really helps is working with your parrot a piddling each day to train him or her. For case, you can railroad train him or her to dance to music.

Here's how:

  • Brand sure your bird is comfortable with you lot.
  • Recollect, parrots train best in no more than twenty-minute increments.
  • Only train on days he feels like doing so.
  • Get prepare to look a piddling giddy!
  • Pick a song with a good beat.
  • Let him to come out of the cage and place him in a comfortable spot.
  • Start with a simple movement like bobbing the head.
  • Make certain he is looking at you lot.
  • Encourage the parrot to copy you lot. You might say, "Come on, Petey!" in an encouraging voice.
  • Whether or non your parrot copies you, offer a treat.
  • Be consequent and train every day when he feels similar it.
  • Always praise good behavior.

3. They Live A Long Life

Can you imagine your African Grayness living with you long subsequently the children take left domicile? How almost afterward y'all have retired from your job and wish to travel in your retirement years?

African Greys can live for 50 to lxx years if they are properly cared for. Some have even gone beyond this lifespan. Therefore, y'all have to ask a few important questions:

  • Is this pet something I can care for in the coming decades?
  • Am I doing this simply because my children are living at home and desire pets?
  • Are at that place predators in or around my domicile (such every bit a cat) who might shorten his lifespan?
  • Tin I provide the right setting for this bird to thrive? (Lifespan may be reduced if kept in captivity).
  • Who will take care of our pet if he outlives me?

If the idea of caring for a family pet long afterwards the rest of the family has grown upwards and moved on, this may non be ideal for yous. Moreover, older bird owners accept to determine where their pet will get in the issue the bird outlives them.African Grey Family Member

4. They Are Really Active

Nosotros accept already discussed how of import information technology is that y'all have the fourth dimension to play and collaborate with your African Grey on an everyday basis. They rely on y'all to keep them entertained.

In the wild, these parrots are office of a flock, and you and your family unit become the "flock" when in that location are no other parrots around.

That being said, you have to be ready to lead an active lifestyle for your parrot.

If your African Greyness's wings are non clipped, he volition need to fly outside, whether inside an enclosed aviary space or fifty-fifty whilst on a bird harness.

If they are, he notwithstanding needs a identify to flap his wings and stretch them out and volition still treasure his outdoor fourth dimension.

You must also exist prepared to keep an heart on papers, stuffed toys, and pillows while your parrot is out of the muzzle.

Unlike cats or dogs, which exercise destroy things but tin can exist trained non to, your parrot will naturally apply his nib as nature intended. They love to shred and chew on things.

Keep the following items on hand then your African Grey can direct his free energy to the appropriate place:

  • Scrap newspaper with no colored inks (These can harm a Gray if they shred it)
  • Plenty of appropriate parrot toys
  • Noise-maker toys like bells, and balls with bells inside (Here is why parrots love bells so much)
  • Foraging toys in which you lot can place treats
  • Perches of dissimilar materials and sizes (always exist certain your parrot'south feet do not touch, equally his talons can cause lacerations if they impact).

Your parrot cannot terminate doing what he was destined to exercise naturally but being proactive and keeping things out of his achieve that you do not want damaged will be important for both you and your pet.

five. Can You Handle the Care?

Caring for an African Grey is unlike anything else. Much like a cat or a dog, at that place are daily cleaning tasks that have to be completed forth with the need to play and interact with your bird.

Here is a sampling of the care you lot and your family should expect to perform as you keep your African Greyness.

  • Changing out cage newspaper or lining every solar day (You can use other beddings likewise. Read this commodity to learn more!)
  • Changing out food and water bowls each day
  • Sweeping and cleaning around the cage for any feathers, droppings or food that has fallen
  • Covering the cage or preparing it for your parrot to sleep (Fifty-fifty though parrots can't encounter well in the dark, you should still do that. Hither is why!)
  • Changing out toys that have food, debris or debris on them

This is just what you lot can await on a daily basis of caring for your pet. You must too have fourth dimension to play, and socialize your bird, too.

Other important aspects of care that you volition have to complete include:

  • Vet visits, as needed for any illnesses that may arise and once for a full general checkup
  • Deep cage cleanings, which should be done at to the lowest degree once per calendar month using appropriate cleaning solutions (You tin too use vinegar for that, we prove you how here)
  • Nail trimmings, unless yous opt to buy a perch that aids in trimming the nails or have your vet take care of this matter
  • Keeping an avian starting time-assist kit well stocked with all advisable tools and medicines, and ensuring these are all within their dates

There is enough more than to keeping a Grey-this is just a sampling of what you must be prepared for. To give you a better idea of how difficult it tin exist to take care of parrot in general, read our article on that here!

Can african greys get along with all family members?

half-dozen. What You lot Demand as An African Grayness Owner

For a more widely-kept pet, such every bit a cat or dog, at that place are a few things needed that are relatively like shooting fish in a barrel to get, but notwithstanding necessary.

For instance, dogs can sleep in the house, and then a domestic dog firm is not always necessary in some cases. Cats slumber anywhere, so a true cat bed is an choice for cat owners.

African Greys, and all birds, are different. They absolutely need a cage of appropriate size in guild to feel condom and secure.

Unlike a four-legged friend, these birds demand perches so they tin sit down in comfort. Certain, they will happily walk on floors and couches, but perches are best.

Here is what you will need as an African Grey owner:

  • A cage measuring at least 3x2x4ft, and if you can go bigger, practise so. Go a muzzle with confined wide enough so the parrot will not become his caput stuck in the confined.
  • Toys, toys and more toys. When you are away, your bird will be active with all his toys inside his cage. Makes certain at that place are plenty of condom and fun toys around to keep him active as well as cuttlebones or edible safe perches. (We show you some awesome toys here – Surprise!)
  • Perches-African Greys rely heavily on their feet and beaks to do all things. You will be amazed at what they do. Eating, climbing, playing and more than is washed with feet or the nib. Therefore, find perches where your African Grey tin sit with his feet nearly three-quarters of the way effectually the perch.
  • Water and nutrient bowls-multiple sets and so you tin change them out
  • Lining for cage such as cage paper or blackness and white newspaper.

7. Getting an African Grey for the Right Reasons

Many people desire an African Gray for the following reasons:

  • They are cute
  • They can talk
  • They can do tricks
  • They are friendly

These are true of SOME African Greys, not all. African Greys may or may not talk. They may or may not want to learn tricks. Similar humans, they have their ain personalities and mannerisms.

A parrot is not a toy or an object you can put away when you are done playing with him or her. They will demand abiding intendance and may or may not experience like playing when yous greet them.

Unlike dogs, who commonly are overjoyed to see their owners, your parrot may accept some days where he just wants to be left alone, such as during molting.

That beingness said, there are plenty of correct reasons to get an African Greyness:

  • Yous are okay with a pet that lives a long time and volition exist a friend for decades.
  • You are set up for a challenge when it comes to caring for this pet.
  • You are an experienced birdkeeper.
  • You beloved pets with huge personalities.


African Greys tin make proficient family pets, but only for families who are really into birds. They are non for families looking for a coincidental pet, such as a fish or a cat, or a challenging pet, like a puppy or dog.

This is for a family who is mature and ready for a circuitous, but wonderful and rewarding, relationship!