Should We Let God Decide Our Family Size

Letting God control your family unit size is so important to practise. When we desire to take control over our lives we often ask many questions that are driven by the unknown.

  • Is at that place such affair equally having too many children?
  • How about not having enough children?
  • Surely, there is such thing as the perfect family size?

Sweet friend, instead of thinking about the perfect family size, permit's learn to turn our eyes to our perfect, Sovereign God – the very Creator and Sustainer of each family that has ever walked this earth.

Every Life Comes from His Manus

Now, imaging sitting at the mall'south java shop on a Friday night and people watching. (Don't pretend yous haven't done it, considering we all have.) Equally you look around, you lot see many unlike families fabricated upwards of very different people.

  • In that location is the perfect blonde haired, magazine couple with one son and one daughter; they are all indulging in some overpriced sushi.
  • Then there is the mixed family with the well-nigh beautiful fiddling, curly haired baby.
  • Over towards Chick-fil-a is the momma, whose husband is working belatedly, with all eight kids past herself at Chick-fil-a.

What practise all of these families have in common? They were created by our Sovereign God, not one life was out of His hand. It can be and so easy to go wrapped upwardly in what we want and forget who nosotros truly are here on this earth. Everything we do should exist to glorify our God… But how oft is that not the example?

Why should you let God command your family size?

Can I allow you lot in on a little clandestine? Even when nosotros try to be the ones in control, the Lord is still sovereign despite our human efforts. Consider this, the Author has already written the book from beginning to end. As active characters in His volume, it is our job to be present on the current page and to simply trust that our wonderful Writer knows what is best. In that location is an enemy to God's story, that enemy brought sin and death. However, the Author of Life is and always will exist the Lord.

Personally, I know many friends that thought they were writing their own pages when information technology came to fertility. Nine weeks after their child was born, while on nascence control, i of these friends discovered that God had blessed her with another child. Nosotros recall we know best, but fourth dimension and time once again God has shown that His story is better.

Consider these thought that run through our caput:

  • The time does not seem right, but His story is better.
  • We don't have the finances for more than kids, only His story is improve.
  • There is no room in our house to adopt a kid, just His story is better.

Friend, I want to encourage y'all to surrender to the One who is writing the cute story of redemption. The 1 who has chosen your family – your perfectly sized family – to be a part of that story. He will guide your heart when it comes to family size, and when you don't listen….well, He will still piece of work all things for good.

How to permit go of control? – Trust and Rest.

Nosotros have to allow go of the command that we retrieve we take over what our family unit looks like in God's story. When we try to hold that pen, at that place is a terrible tension in our human relationship with the Lord. However, when we surrender to His expert programme, we enter into the trip the light fantastic that is our beautiful human relationship with the Lord. It is then expert to exist in step with Him.

The Lord invites us to, "Exist however, and know that I am God…" Psalm 46:10

It is hard to place our confidence in the Lord, when nosotros are constantly fighting against Him. We cannot fight for control and say we trust the Ane in command. It doesn't brand sense. Sister, trust that He knows best. It is simply in His plan that we will detect peace.

Fighting confronting the Lord is exhausting. Trusting the Writer to write your story volition naturally bring you to a place of rest. When we surrender to His plan, we simply get to rely on His sovereign hand. It is the difference between fighting for the commuter seat and enjoying the scenery as a passenger. Enjoy Jesus and bask what He is doing in your life.

Praying about Your Family unit Size

Equally you pray about letting God control your family unit size, consider these prayer points.

  • Praise Him – Praise God for writing a better story then you could always imagine. Admit that He is the One who has breathed life into every fellow member of your family.
  • Thank Him – Give thanks God for the gift of being part of His story of redemption. Thank Him for His promises of goodness.
  • Repent – Enquire God to forgive y'all if you've been holding on to tightly to control over your family unit size. Ask Him to forgive your fears and doubts, and to replace them with trust.

Bible Verses

As yous are thinking nearly letting God control your family unit size, I pray that these verses encourage your heart to trust in the Maker and Sustainer of life. Nosotros use the Web version, but feel complimentary to use your favorite!

  • Proverbs iii:5-6 – "Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
  • 1 Peter 5:7 – "Casting all your worries on Him, because He cares for y'all."
  • Jeremiah 29:11 – "For I know the thoughts that I think towards yous,' says Yahweh, 'thought of peace, and not of evil, to give yous promise and a future."
  • Philippians 4:half-dozen-7 – "In zippo be anxious, simply in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, permit your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thought in Christ Jesus."
  • Ephesians two:x – "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for skilful works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
  • Genesis ane:28 – "God blessed them. God said to them, 'Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.'"
  • Psalm 127:2-5 – "Behold, children are a heritage of Yahweh. The fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows in the hand of a might man, then are the children of youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. They won't be disappointed when they speak with their enemies in the gate."

Does God Desire Me to Take Another Baby?

In request near whether or not God wants you to have another infant, you are really thinking about letting God exist in command of your family size. We have a previous mail service here addressing some things to consider while family planning.

In our previous mail, you volition find:

  • Things to consider when thinking about trying for another child:
    • Does our family feel complete?
    • I cannot physically carry another baby safely
    • More excuses we requite and things we ask….
  • How practice I know that God wants me to have some other babe?
    • Exploring the Father's heart when information technology comes to families
  • Praying for another child

"No matter how many children we settle on having, God is notwithstanding the One who is sovereign over all life. Every bit we seek to honour Him in growing our families, may we ultimately submit to being an example of Christ to nevertheless many children He decides to bless u.s.a. with."


Sisters in Christ, let's non get so caught upward in our fears, worries, and pride that we forget to live out the story that God is writing. In His story, we have a purpose. In His story, our family has a purpose. Every life, every jiff has a purpose in God's cute story of redemption. Nosotros need to acquire that letting God control our family size is a good matter.

Christ has come, His piece of work on the cross is finished. One twenty-four hour period, He volition come back and redeem all things unto Himself. Until that day, we get to play a part in His redemption story. I pray that we submit our wills to His sovereign hand and dance along every page in the story His is writing. Letting God command our family size may seem scary to do, but let me remind y'all once again….His story is better.

I desire to go out you with these lyrics:
"And now there's this new baby daughter
And with one breath she's changed our whole world.
Some say she looks like dad,
But she looks like grace to me.
Your grace to me.

You're the God of every story,
No matter what I'm going through.
I amy not understand, You are God and I am only a man.
Yeah I'grand forever trusting in Your Plan.
Ane affair is certain
You lot are faithful, Yous're faithful God."

God of Every Story by Laura Story

Below is a Pinterest friendly photo…. So you can pivot it to your Baby Lath!!

Other Posts Y'all Might Savor…..

  • Does God Desire Me To Have Another Babe?>>> Click Here
  • Why Hasn't God Given Me a Kid?>>> Click Hither
  • x Sweet Bible Verses For Adoption>>> Click Here

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